Monday, 24 February 2014

Sabotage - Battle Report

The Orks got the first campaign turn and I opted for Sabotage mission. A Logistical mission.

We planned 1750 lists. We both decided to bring our respective Generals of the whole campaign!

The attacker had to ensure they had 3 Fast Attack choices.

In terms of the battlefield, it was a normal battlefield except the Shield Generator was in the middle of the battlefield and the power generator was within the Ultramarines deployment. Edd put the power generator right in the corner of his deployment zone. We set up the battlefield to have to Orks attacking out of the woodland area into a heavily ruined area,

Scoring was spilt into two categories:
Primary objective was worth a huge 5 Points and only the attack could score this.

It required me to get more scoring units (including fast attack) within 3" of the power generator at the end of a turn (i.e. Both of us had done turn 2.) This would power down the power station in the middle. From that point on I was able to blow up the Shield Generator if I had more scoring units within 3" of the shield generator. This would trigger the power station blowing up causing a Str4 or Str 3 hit to everyone on the area of terrain in the centre!

The Secondary objective was kill points. There was no kill the warlord/linebreaker/first blood.

However Calgar did roll 'Champion of Humanity Trait' making Ferotous, if killed by Calgars hand in combat, worth 3 points.


Orks won the dice off and I deployed first. Ferotous and his Supa ‘ard boyz went in a trukk next to the other trukk on the right flank. An eye on the Power generator.

In the centre was the unit of sluggas and shoota boyz. Supported by the burnas in the Looted Wagon. I opted to leave the Kommandos and Deffkoptas in reserve.

The Space marines put the defence line to make a wall up to the power station in the centre. Telion and his scouts were placed at the front. Behind them was the Land speeder and Land Raider with Calgar and the large tactical squad. Protecting the right was a tactical squad of 5 in a razorback. Protecting the power generator was a devastator squad, vindicator, a 5 man tactical squad and a rhino with 5 tactical marines.

The Kommandos deployed next to the power station, close to the razorback on the left flank.

Ork Turn 1

The trukks flew full speed forwards. Moving 24” straight to the power generator. The rest of the army went running. The Looted wagon managed to immobilise itself against the power station!
In the shooting phase the army continued to move as fast as possible. The Weridboy accidentally Frazzled himself and wounded himself. The boyz passed the pinning test!

Ultramarines Turn 1

The Vindicator and land raider swapped positions. Vindicator planning to bring its template weapon to bear on the hordes in the centre. The land raider with Calgar looked to challenge the Trukks.

The marines fired rockets but shooting proved unsuccessful. A trukk blew up, and the meganobs got out and weathered the bolter rounds.

Ork Turn 2

The Burnas got out and prepared to charge Telion. The Kommandos lined up a charge on the tactical squad on the right. The Boyz, both shootas and sluggas moved into the power station and over half way. Ferotous got out of his trukk and ran for the power generator.

A Deffkopta arrived and landed near the power generator. The Meganobs lined up a charge on the vindicator.

The ork shooting was largely fruitless. A devastator or two died and the remaining trukk parked up to make a counter charge on Ferotous impossible. Finally the WAAAAGH! was called!

Ferotous charged into the tactical squad and kill them all before any of his supa ‘ard lads could get stuck in. The Meganobz made short work of the Vindicator. The burnas killed the scouts to a man,  rendering him unconscious. Finally the Kommandos killed 4 of the 5 Tactical squad on the right.

Ultramarines Turn 2

The air support arrived for Calgar as the Storm Talon arrived. However the army was battered. Calgar had to concede the power supply as there was no way he could get 2 scoring units within 3” of the power generator. He got out of the land raider and prepared to charge the meganobs.

Meanwhile in the centre all was lost. The razorback turned back so did the land speeder. The Rhino with the tactical squad moved towards the centre.

In the shooting phase many meganobz died. So did a large number of Burnas. The Shoota boyz and Kommandos had large numbers taken out.

Calgar was clearly enraged and proceeded to kill all the meganobz with little help from his tactical squad.

At the end of Turn 2, the Orks had broken the Power generator. All they had to do was hold the power station in the centre.

Ork Turn 3

Ferotous having completed his mission, got back in his Trukk and headed to the middle. The other Deffkopters came on. One deffkopta prepared a charge on the devastators. The Burnas ceased control of the now vacant quad gun the Space Marines had brought, and the Slugga boys swarmed the power station.

In shooting the shootas killed a few devastators and so did Ferotous and his supa ‘ard boyz. The Burnas opened fire with the Quad gun caused a hull point of damage on the Storm Talon!
The Kommandos charged the Razorback doing two points of damage on the Razorback. In Assault the Deffkopta beat the Devastators the last one choose to flee but remained stationary as jumping off the ruins would mean he would jump into the deffkoptas propellors!

Ultramarines Turn 3

Calgar moved to the centre defence line. Meanwhile the remaining serg in one of the tactical squads got his holy bolter rage on and killed 2 of the Kommando with the klaw! The last tactical squad got out of the rhino and a hail of Bolter fire killed all the Burnas bar two of them and the other tactical squad shot down more of the Shootas.

The remaining Devastator managed to blow up Ferotous Trukk. Calgar followed the explosion with a Orbital bombardment and bolter fire that did some decent damage on the Supa ‘ard boyz.

The Power station was uncontested for the Orks and the building was exploded. The boyz stupid enough to stay inside the building were largely unhurt. The Orks had achieved their main mission!

Ork Turn 4

Ferotous, having seen the mission completed stared to withdraw from the battle. The Boyz manned the Quad gun and advanced on the  last tactical squad. The shootas moved to challenge Calgars Tactical squad. Finally the Kommandos prepared to kill the Serg from the tactical squad on the left flank. The Deffkoptas were unleashed. One charged the Devastator, whilst one charged the land speeder and the final one charged the Rhino.

In combat the Deffkoptas killed the Land Speeder, 2 wounds on the rhino and killed the last Devastator. The Kommandos killed the Serg but the Nob was killed in combat, leaving just 2 Kommandos. The Orks managed to miss with the quad gun on the Storm Talon.

Ultramarines Turn 4

Calgar was pissed. At this point the Marines had a Land Raider, Calgar and a tactical squad of 8, A Tactical Squad of 5, a Rhino and Razorback with 1 hull point left and finally a crippled Stormeagle.

Calling in the Land Raider, Calgar prepared to hunt Ferotous to the ends of the earth. The Land Raider proceeded to charge towards Ferotous. Meanwhile the Razorback and Tactical Squad that remained shot down only 1 of the Deffkoptas.

Ork Turn 5

Ferotous, now only with one supa ‘ard boy left, started to move a bit faster away from Calgar. He scaled the ruined Catheral, thinking that he could make use of the smaller space to fight the tactical squad.

The Burnas were practically off the battle at this point and had not rallied. Meanwhile the Orks got close to the 5 man Tactical squad. The Deffkoptas charged the Rhino and a sole Marine on his own that I forgot how he got there killing two more units. The Kommandos charged the razorback. The Shootas ran for cover.

The Ork boyz shot down the Stormeagle with the Quad gun – (Thanks Telion!) – The Kommandos failed to do the final wound on the razorback!

Ultramarines Turn 5

Calgar got out of the Land Raider and charged Ferotous. Meanwhile the Land Raider killed the Shootas down to 1 single Boy who stayed.

The Crippled Razorback finally killed a Deffkopta and the last tactical squad killed the other deffkopta.

Calgar charged and made it into combat.  Ferotous should have refused the challenge – considering Calgar had the ‘Champion of Humanity’ Warlord trait, but pride would not let me back down! The Tactical Marines failed to wound the last supa ‘ard boy, who killed one in reply.

Finally the two great champions met in battle. Both characters had taken 1 wound elsewhere in the battle. Ferotous went first, slamming his klaw into Calgar.  He connected 3 times out of 5. Calgars invulnerable save kept him from harms way. It was the turn of the Gaunlets of Ultramar to teach the Ork a lesson. Out of his 6 attacks , 4 succeed. Ferotous was counting on his Cyborknetics to keep him alive. The first Gauntlet hit Ferotous in the gut, followed by a Jab Ferotous parried with his metallic arm… He didn’t expect a third punch. It was an uppercut straight into the Jaw. The force lifted him airborne and over the crumbling wall, over the edge down a 3 stories to the floor below.

Seeing Ferotous fall like that the last supa ‘ard boy fled, only to cut down as he turned. Convinced the job was complete, Calgar turned to try and inflict more revenge on the remaining Greenskins.

Ferotous was completed knocked out. Only the mechanical parts within him, keep him alive. However Thesaurus had planned for this day.

Unknown the Calgar, Thesaurus had hidden out of sight and scaled down the building to his Warlord. He rebooted Ferotous and managed to drag him to safety.

The end of the game dice was rolled. I was hoping for the game to end!

Ork Turn 6

With the Warboss down, the Orks in the middle didn’t notice. This was a good fight! The Shoota tried to hide the best he could to try and survive the battle. The Slugga boys charged the last Tactical Squad.

The Kommandos, who had spent the whole battle trying to kill a tactical squad and its Razorback, charged the razorback again – this time they remembered their grenades!

The Kommandos managed to get 2 grenades into the Razorback, but they failed to cause the destruction they so badly needed to achieve.

The Ork Boyz did much better. The killed the Tactical Squad to a man.

At this point the Orks had a unit of 15 Slugga Boyz, 1 Shoota Boy and 2 Kommandos.

The Space Marines had Calgar with 6 Tactical marines, a crippled razorback and the Land Raider.

Ultramarines Turn 6

Calgar turned to focus his rage on the remaining Shoota who he prompted killed with his Bolter.
The Razorback finally won the war with the Kommandos, plasma gunning the remaining 2 Kommandos.

Finally the Land Raider killed many of the Ork Boyz, but they didn’t flee.

The end game dice rolled again – and this time it ended.


Final Scores was a whopping 16-15 to the Ultramarines.

Ultramarines – 3 Points for “Champion of Humanity” and 13 Kill Points.
Orks – 5 Points for the primary objective and 10 Kill points.

+++Edit - We got the score wrong - Calgar's Champion of Humanity gets +D3 points, which we forgot to do. Edd did this at a later date and scored a 1! Based on this revised score of 15 - 14 to the Orks!+++

Campaign Repercussions

First of all, Calgar gets Bragging rights. Not only did he win the fight, but the Challenge it won him the game! Yes I could have declined it and just allowed myself to lose via sweeping advance and not throw 3 points away but sod it! I am easily goaded and at times my pride lets me do dumb things!

Edd wins the Logistical card and now only needs 2 more to trigger the mega battle. However because I did the primary mission, Edd cannot use any Heavy support choices next time! HA no more Land Raiders Mr Calgar... Unless you go with some terminators... hmmm... Next time its Edd's choice of battles so he can plan his list to limit the damage.

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