I (Simon Rooke) will be playing the good guys in this campaign and I am once again going over the top with storyline for my self made Warboss, 'Doktor' Ferotous Bluddietoof. I've played 40k about 2 years (ish.) I've regularly been playing Edd Quick for a while now and we decided we should do some form of Ork against Ultramarine campaign and Black Reach was the obvious choice!
Within the first few months of playing 40k I made a quite decent Biker Boss conversation and in his first game he was obscenely good and was the first warboss I had played with who didn't die in his first battle. That's how my love story with him started. I then created a little bio for him, which then got bigger and bigger as he entered campaigns. its currently running on to 6 pages on word!
By the end of this campaign hopefully he will be the Warboss who finally killed the big daddy, Calgar - Ideally from within a kit bashed stompa!
Below is my ongoing storyline for my warboss and the background for attack on Black Reach.
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Thesaurus MA and 'Doktor' Ferotous Bluddietoof (on foot) |
Doktor Ferotous Bluddietoof
A sane medical practitioner would
say that ‘Doktor’ Ferotous Bluddietoof was suffering illusions of grandeur. The
‘Doktor’ claims to be the wisest thing ever. Whilst not having the know how to
fix like a proper painboy, Ferotous claims to have studied and obtained a Phd
in Theology. This is his reason behind the title ‘Doktor’. He claims that he
has bested the emperor himself in tic-tac-toe on 2 separate occasions. Imperial
records refute this. Ferotous has a unhealthy hatred of Ghaghkull Thraka and
will never ally with Goff Orks as he believes them to be unholy and un orky.
He is followed by his pet grot
who is the only intelligent greenskin who even compares to Ferotous’ mighty
intellect. The grot is known as Thesaurus MA, who for a grot is quite brave, however
it’s quite easy to be brave whilst riding a warbike with a 400 pound Ork
Warboss for protection.
Early Life
Ferotous Bluddietoof was a whelp
in a kult of speed, he knew how to fix’ up minor things and struggled to keep
his mouth quiet. He was one day proclaiming his greatness, and a nob had
enough. With any fight in the klan, a great number of orks gathered to watch.
It promised to be a short bloody fight. Ferotous started to taunt the Nob,
claiming that his slugga was as weak as a grot blasta and that his ‘eavy armour
was as weak as an humie flesh. The nob, keen to disprove this, turned his
slugga on himself, aiming for his ‘eavy armour to show how tough it was.
Unfortunately the slugga shell went straight through wounding the nob. Upon the
shell hitting, Ferotous swung his choppa into the skull and won the duel,
promoting him into nobility of orks.
Ferotous went on to lead the Nob
Bikers and stories of this wise ork quickly span out of control, and Ferotous
made larger and dafter claims. Around this time, an equally bold and
cocky grot going by the name Thesaurus claimed he had studied up to master’s
level and he was useful with a wrench.
Between the two of them they
worked on cyborknetics and bikes and rose through the ranks of the Warband,
ultimately becoming warboss thanks to impressive feat of strength, enhanced by
their combined mechanical skill of Ferotous and cyborknetics talents of
Thesaurus (now with MA added to his name.)
Early Victories
Before Ferotous first major
campaign, his kult of speed Waaagh! Had no plan, they simply wondered space
until they caused enough mayhem that some force reacted. Ferotous quickly
favoured hordes of bikes and red painted vehicles, often with the grots of the
WAAAGH! joining in using Grot Tanks and Kans
His kult of speed managed to
inflict heavy wounds on a Eldar craftworld planetary force, Ferotous himself
managing to defeat a mighty Wraightknight in close combat. In another
engagement, he routed a Blood Angels force and Ferotous and his Nobz managed to
best the Sanguinary Guard and the Chapter master of the 4th Blood Angels
Chapter in combat. Other feats included being tougher than a Rotten
Nurgle Space Marine company.
Auctorian Sector
The Auctorian sector is a
planetary system, home to once wealthy and prosperous imperial settlements and
forges worlds created during the great imperial crusade. Eons passed and the
sector became ripe with corruption and weakened. The agents of Chaos worked to
gain control.
The Chaos lord of the Iron
Warriors, Nausghtual, worked to gather agents within the Imperium of the
Auctorian Sector, a small group of Dark Eldar and the support of two Ork
warboss’, Ghazghkull Thrakka, who had recently left the conflict that came to
be known as the First war of Armageddon, and a new upstart warboss, ‘Doktor’
Ferotous Bluddietoof, who’s kult of speed WAAAGH! was gathering momentum.
Early Auctorian Sector Victories and destruction of Atlas Victory
(“Da Red World”)
The conflict was a
marginal success for the forces of Chaos, but it was a total success as far as
both warbosses were concerned. Unknown to Ferotous, Ghazghkull was using the
whole campaign as a way to prepare for his next war on Armageddon. His
meks had devised a machine called da teleporta.
The two warlords were constantly
fightin’ for superiority. Ultimately Ferotous’ Waaagh! Launched wave after wave
attacking the densely populated planet, Atlas Victory. Ferotous conquered the
imperial planet and ordered every building to be painted red – to make it
stand out against Ghazghkull’s black and white Goffs colouring. The
Doktor then renamed the planet “Da Red World”
Meanwhile Ghazghkull managed to
perfect his teleportaz and managed to attack strategically to help assist all
the forces of Chaos. When the moment came to attack one of the central planets,
the two combined ork WAAAGHS! and The Iron Warrior chaos space marines launched
an attack on planet fortress and home world of the Space Marine second founding
chapter, The Dawn of Silver.
The Kunnin’ Betrayal of Ghazghkull
After goading by Ghazghkull’s,
Ferotous was tricked into spearheading the attack on the Space marine fortress
planet. Ghazghkull let Ferotous and his boyz make use of his teleportaz
to deep strike right into the heart of the city.
Having tested his teleportaz
teleporting thousands of Boyz and Vehicles into the heart of a city, without
any major mishaps, he concluded that he had enough experience using his
teleportaz. Mid-battle, Ghazghkull abandoned Ferotous and the Iron Warriors.
Ghazghkull, the kunnin’ git he is, had achieved his aims and wanted a powerful
Warboss, Ferotous, to die in the attack.
Ferotous and the Iron Warriors
were left currently trapped on the surface, outnumbered, outgunned and
betrayed. Ferotous, still to this day holds a grudge against Ghazghkull and
challenges his orky-ness as he didn’t want to join in the battle, despite
having a Stompa! For this reason Ferotous will not ally with Ghazghkull again
and has a righteous hatred of him and the Goff Klan.
The Destruction of The Dawn of Silver
Against the odds, Da Dok’s WAAAGH! was not killed as planned by the defences. Ferotous and his kult of speed
penetrated far into the capital city, destroying squadrons of imperial tanks
and space marines. The ‘Doktor’ personally commanded a unit of Nobz to destroy
the Titan class Baneblade tank with the use of their mighty power klaws.
The fighting focused around the
gene seed vault of the Dawn of Silver. After a thunderhawk gunship was gunned
down by obliterators, a handful of first company terminators and Chapter Master
Omino Calistarius emerged from the wreckage. Ferotous and his Nob bikers
charged the first company where ‘Doktor’ Ferotous Bludditoof and Chapter Master, Omino
Calistarius, engaged in a challenge. The duel continued for an hour with both
combatants not giving an inch. Klaw crashing on Power shield and Power maul
unable to damage the Cyborknetics within Ferotous.
For reasons unknown at the time,
Omino fled the challenge without cause and ordered a retreat. Ferotous,
believing this was his victory, ordered his WAAAGH! to grab as much loot, dakka
and scrap and then leave. This was a good scrap and he wanted to come back
after the imperials had rebuilt for a second round!
It turned out the reason for the
sudden retreat by the Omino and the Dawn of Silver, was that Ferotous had
diverted the attention of the imperial defence. This had allowed the Iron
Warriors to break through to their primary objective – the gene seed vault.
With the gene seed under Chaos control, the Dawn of Silver had no option but to
relocate all sources to deal with the traitor marines..
With Ferotous and his WAAAGH! In
orbit, the city was suddenly ripped apart by cataclysmic explosions. The
Dawn of Silver detonated the charges within the gene seed vault to ensure they
could not be tainted by Chaos. This act ultimately destroyed the future of the
chapter but it did take out all remnants of Chaos on the planet.
Ferotous still proclaims that in
this campaign was a total victory. The ‘Dok’ had out-orkified Ghazghkull and
stomped 2 planets flat.
The Battle for Vordrast
Ferotous, still enraged by Ghazghkull's treachery, wanted to make a name for himself. Ferotous spent a campaign on the planet of Vordrast where he continued to mastery control his speed obsessed army. He knew that Ghazghkull was causing mayhem because he looked to the other klans, namely the Bad Moons for allies to vary his armies tactical options.
Ferotous looked to do the same. He met two native bosses on Vordrast. Admiral Grabba, a skilled stormboy boss who controlled a mighty his jet fleet. There was a Komminzar Un'Trogg, a sneeky Kommando who excelled in ambushing. These Blood Axe Bosses also explained the concept of taktiks to Ferotous.
News of Zanzag's failed WAAAGH! against the Ultramarines had spread. Ferotous had worked out that the Hammer of Dawn was a gene seed offshooted from the Ultramarines. So if the Hammer of Dawn were a good fight, the people they came from would be too. With his newly found allies Ferotous was ready for his next phase of his plan.
Black Reach - Reclaimed
Ferotous set a course to Black Reach, taking many detours to tactically sound planets with useful resources. This ensured the lads were kept entertained and they gathered stockpiles of scrap and ammo. It had been over a hundred years since Black Reach had been tested. Ferotous' plan was simple. He wanted to show that Goff klan wer weedy.
If he could destroy Black Reach and control the asteroid field, he would be able to produce thousands of Roks to launch the next phase of his war and make another red planet, spitting in the face of the Ultramarines.
He would be the single biggest threat to the Space Marines.
The green tide descended on Black Reach...
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