Edd managed to forget it was his Campaign turn; he had to alter his list a bit. He did remember his mission which was Assassination. A Mission based on kill points with a bonus 5 points should he kill my warboss. No other ways to score.
Due to my bonus from winning the 2nd mission – Sabotage, the Ultramarines could not take Heavy slots.
HQ - Calgar and a Level 2 Librarian
Elite Choice – Land Raider
Troops – 3 units of 10 Tactical Squad. One in a Rhino, One with Calgar and one on foot. There was a s 5 man tac with a Razorback and a unit of 5 tac squad. Finally a scout unit with snipers and Telion.
Fast – Land Speeder Storm and stormtalon.
Ferotous (using rules for Wazdakka)
14 tankbustas, 6 Nob bikers
4 units of 3 bikers and 2 units of 20 boyz
2 Battlewagons.
I won the dice roll, and decided to take first turn.
Ork Deployment
I pretty much deployed everything on the right. Ferotous and the Nob bikers at the back.
Ultramarine Deployment
Edd made a line on the right as well. Lines of tactical squads on the right, Land Raider and Calgar in the centre and the Razorback/scouts and Rhino on the left.
Ork Turn 1
Since the Ultramarines had to be aggressive I decided to mostly hide. Got my tankbustas ready to strike in turn 2 whilst the bikes got into nice safepositions.
Ultramarine Turn 1
Land Raider moved forwards, whilst the rest of the army shot. Due to range and well placed bikes, not much happened. About 6-9 Tankbusters did die however.
Ork Turn 2
Unwilling to charge into the rapid fire spam the army bunkered down. A biker unit charged the land Raider and did a hull point. The wagons moved forwards to get the boyz closer to the action.
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Lone ork Biker damages the Land Raider! |
Ultramarine Turn 2
Storm talon didn’t arrive. The Ultramarines started to move up. Shooting was low, the Bikes took a few wounds and a wagon was immobilized.
Telion started to try and snipe Ferotous.
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The Tac squads don't have many targets! |
Ork Turn 3
Another unit of Bikes charged the landraider, this time blowing it up! A unit of bikes tried a charge on a tactical squad but failed. The Ork boys got out ready to fight a tactical squad. Ferotous tried to fix the wagon but failed, whilst the other wagon and bikes shot lots of things, only doing a handful of kills.
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Another unit of bikes finishes off the land raider |
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Ladz pile out into a ruin |
Ultramarine Turn 3
The Marines advanced in full and the Storm Talon arrived. The main targets were the 20 Ork boyz fresh out of the wagon, but the shooting wasn’t a huge success. However the Ork bike units now were all down to 1 or 2 boyz per unit.
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Ladz prepare to charge the tac squad |
Ork Turn 4
The Boyz and a single Biker charged the large tactical squad, which they wiped out. The Nob bikers shot down the Stormtalon with help from a big shoota elsewhere. The Shoota boyz unloaded their ammo into a tactical squad. Amazingly the Land speeder didn’t die to big shoota fire.
The Scores were 4 to the Marines and 3 to the Orks. Ferotous tried and failed fixing the wagon.
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Shooting success but repair failure! |
Ultramarines Turn 4
Calgar and his tac squad charged the slugga boyz and killed them and advanced on the already damaged wagon. Telion continued to try and kill Ferotous but failed to target him. The Rhino moved up to try and support Calgar tac squad and shoot the nob bikers.
Ork Turn 5
Ferotous gave up trying to fix the wagon and moved up towards the centre hoping to cause some chaos in the next few turns. His biker team shot a number of Marines. The Shoota boyz continued to weaken units.
Ultramarine Turn 5
Calgar left his tac squad and charged the damaged wagon. His Power fists made short work of it. The tac squads tried to shoot the bikers and the heavy weapons failed to kill the last wagon.
At this point it was 6-3 to the Ultramarines.
The end game dice was rolled but continued.
Ork Turn 6
Ferotous was clearly in spilt minds. He wanted to kill something so badly he charged a entire tactical squad by himself. He bellowed his orders to his Nob bikers to weaken Calgar. Between the shootas and the Nob bikers shots, Calgar was wounded. The Bikers failed their charge and couldn’t bring their klaws down on Calgar who was isolated from his tac squad.
Ferotous charged the tac squad which had 6 left standing. Between crashing his bike, Thesaurus MA stabbing and Ferotous Klaw, No-one was left standing. The piles of shattered Marines lay around him in a pile.
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WAAAAAAGGHH! DIE BEAKIES! (Can I hear Telion reloading?) |
Ultramarine Turn 6
Calgar, was wounded, but was within sight of Ferotous. He Ignored the Nob bikers challenge and ran with all haste towards Ferotous. Meanwhile the tact squads largely failed to hurt the bikers or the very badly damaged battlewagon.
Telion however finally stepped up to the plate. After the whole battle of Telion targeting Ferotous, he double tapped and scored two hits on Ferotous, hitting him square in the face. This wounded Ferotous greatly. The final action of the turn was Calgars very far charge on Ferotous which failed.
Ferotous was saved.
The dice was rolled and the game ended.
Ultramarines scored 6 – (4 Biker units, Boys unit and a battlewagon) Did not get the bonus 5 for killing Ferotous (he only had 1 wound left thanks to Telion!)
Orks scored 4 – 2 tac squads, Land Raiderand Stormtalon.
Final Score – 6-4 to the Ultramarines.
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