The mission card was a Strategic card called Orbital Relay.
It was a standard Kill points game with an bonus objective worth 5 Points which
was in the Defenders (Ultramarines) deployment zone.
Edd wanted to play 1500 points.
The orks were not allowed to use Warbosses as per the reward
for Edd winning the last game.
The Deployment was done Diagonally. Edd won the initial roll and let me deploy first.
The Deployment was done Diagonally. Edd won the initial roll and let me deploy first.
Deployment Orks
I deployed a Wagon, then a mob of Boyz, then a Deff Dread, then another wagon in the middle, followed by another Dread, Mob and a final Wagon the other flank.
I deployed a Wagon, then a mob of Boyz, then a Deff Dread, then another wagon in the middle, followed by another Dread, Mob and a final Wagon the other flank.
Edd only deployed 2 rhinos and a devastator squad and held everything else in
reserve. He hid completely out of sight.
Turn 1 Ork
The Orks just charged forwards
The Orks just charged forwards
Turn 1 Ultramarines
The Devastators did a single hull point on a wagon! A rhino and its tactical squad moved to a ruin.
The Devastators did a single hull point on a wagon! A rhino and its tactical squad moved to a ruin.
Turn 2 Ork
The Orks just charged forwards. No targets were in range.
The Orks just charged forwards. No targets were in range.
Turn 2 Ultramarines
The Land Raider, Vindicator and stormtalon arrived from reserve. Calgar and his tactical squad guard were inside the Land Raider.
The Landraiders multi-melta killed a dread and the land raider and the tactical squad with Calgar reduced the mob of 30 boys down to size. Else where, the other unit of Boys took some wounds.
The Land Raider, Vindicator and stormtalon arrived from reserve. Calgar and his tactical squad guard were inside the Land Raider.
The Landraiders multi-melta killed a dread and the land raider and the tactical squad with Calgar reduced the mob of 30 boys down to size. Else where, the other unit of Boys took some wounds.
The Tact squad in the rhino got out and got shelter in a
The Killkannons went to work. 2 of the 3 shots hit bang on. Calgars Tactical squad were reduced to a single model and Calgar.
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After a direct hit from the killkannon, Calgar and one marine are left. |
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Before the killkannon... |
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...and after! |
Turn 3 Ultramarines
The Storm talon moved and opened fire on the larger unit of
boys along with plenty of tactical marines and Vindicator. This second mob only
had about 12 models left.
The Land Raider and Calgar finished off the original unit of
Boyz with shooting.
The unit of 3 Marines left standing, quickly ran into a
Rhino and headed back to secure the objective.
Turn 4 Orks
The Orks at this point had all 3 Wagons alive, 1 Dread and a
unit of 12 Boyz. The Boys got into a Wagon ready to rush for the objective. The
killkannons had pretty much ran out of targets which their AP3 templates would
hurt and were left to shoot the Vindicator and Tanks, but failed to do any
Turn 4 Ultramarines
The Ultramarines has Calgar and a single tactical marine in
the Land Raider, a Stormtalon, 2 rhinos, a full squad of tactical marines, a
unit of 3 marines in a Rhino, a Vincidator and a Devstator squad. They had not
lost a single kill point yet!
The Ultramarines clearly had revenge and wanted to
empathically prove their dominance. The Landraider damaged a Wagon with Melta
Fire. The Storm Talon and devastators killed the last Dread.
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The Devastators scout out the battlefield |
Turn 5 Orks
It was pretty grim at this point. The orks in a last ditch
effort to try and save the game charged the objective. A Wagon rammed a Rhino
moving 13” (due to red paint job!) however the ram inpact failed to destroy the
rhino. The killkannons open fired but due to the Marines using ruins very
effectively they didn’t cause as much chaos as they perhaps should have.
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Turn 5 Ultramarines
Calgar got out of his Land Raider alone. He clearly wanted to show the greenskins a feat of strength to raise his profile even higher. He assaulted a Wagon and with his ‘Titanic Might’ and blew it up. Annoyingly the Big Mek inside, my warlord for this fight got hurt by the exploding Wagon!
Calgar got out of his Land Raider alone. He clearly wanted to show the greenskins a feat of strength to raise his profile even higher. He assaulted a Wagon and with his ‘Titanic Might’ and blew it up. Annoyingly the Big Mek inside, my warlord for this fight got hurt by the exploding Wagon!
Turn 6 Orks
It was hopeless, but in true Orky style I came up with an
amazingly awesome plan. It involved charging a wagon really fast getting a few
orks out and then hoping I could kill 3 tactical marines holding the relay.
This didn’t work. No Marines died and the Orks were hopelessly left out of cover!
This didn’t work. No Marines died and the Orks were hopelessly left out of cover!
Turn 6 Ultramarines
Calgar charged the Big mek. The rest of his army killed the
last Wagon and a all the boys bar a Single Ork Nob!
Calgar crushed the big mek in combat .
The game still continued to turn 7!
Ork Turn 7
Another Mork (maybe Gork) plan came into the orks mind. If
my single Nob made it into combat with the tactical squad, survived the
attacks, and then killed them all and could hid in cover, I could be cheeky and
claim the objective and linebreaker!
The nob made it into combat but was killed before he could
Klaw any beakies…
With that death the orks were tabled.
With that death the orks were tabled.
Urm… Total Ultramarine Victory!
2-2 now in terms of victories, however the Ultramarines have the advantage as they have 2 strategical wins compared to the Orks 1 Logistical win.
2-2 now in terms of victories, however the Ultramarines have the advantage as they have 2 strategical wins compared to the Orks 1 Logistical win.
Should Edd win a 3rd Strategical battle, he can
choose to end the phase of the campaign and force a major confrontation.
There is hope however for the Orks. We have agreed that I
can use some experimental rules I have devised for my warboss, Ferotous.
The Armies
2 Big Meks – Kustom Force Fields
2 Big Meks – Kustom Force Fields
2 units of 30 Boys
2 Dreads
3 Wagons – (killkannons, kannons, rokkits and big shootas)
3 Tactical Squads (2 with Rhinos)
Devastators (4 Missiles)
Land Raider